Early Intervention » Early Intervention Summary

Early Intervention Summary

The Early Intervention program at Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 serves children and their families in Northampton, Monroe, and Pike counties, providing special education services including specialized instruction, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.  


Click the link below for more Early Intervention info for families and the community.

Early Intervention (EI) is a collection of programs and services designed to help families of children with or at risk for developmental delays. EI builds upon natural learning occurring in the first years of life. Early Intervention Services may include:

  • Early Identification, Screening and Assessment
  • Speech Pathology and Audiology
  • Specialized Instruction
  • Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy
  • Family Trainings

Preschool children ages three through school age are eligible to receive services if they have a significant developmental delay of 25% of their chronological age in one or more of the five domains of cognitive readiness skills, communication skills, gross motor skills, self-help skills, and behavioral/social/adaptive skills; or a physical disability, hearing loss or vision loss, or a known physical or mental condition which has a high probability for developmental delays.


Upon referral to the EI multidisciplinary team, young children are screened and/or evaluated. Children found to be eligible for special education services have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) developed to meet their individual needs. This written plan is developed by a team of parents and professionals and reflects the child’s unique needs and strengths. These plans are delivered in one of the CIU 20 preschool classrooms, regular preschool classrooms within the child’s community, or with agencies contracted by CIU 20 in Northampton, Monroe, and Pike counties. Early Intervention services can be delivered through consultation, monitoring, itinerant or class setting.