Student Competitions » Junior Tech Leaders 2024-2025

Junior Tech Leaders 2024-2025

Registration Open Will Open Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Click Here To Register

Registration Closes September 6, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. Will the trainings be grade and platform specific? If so, which ones?

Trainings will not be grade specific. All participants will participate in same activities on same platform. 

2. How many students are allowed per team?  Should there be a student from each grade for a team?

Each team may have up to 4 students.  No, there does not have to be a student representative from each grade.

3. Do the students need to bring hardware?

Students will bring their district devices. 

4. Do the students need to do outside work? What is their commitment?

Yes, students will be asked to complete some work at their schools, with the support of their advisor.

5. What is my involvement as an advisor?  Should I assume I'm part of the team?

Team advisors are asked to stay with students during sessions, and learn the technology resources/projects so they are able to provide guidance for their students. Each team must have an advisor present at all sessions. 

6. What's the commitment from the school? Are the costs to the school?

Schools will need to provide a device (laptop)  for the team and advisors.  Schools will also need to secure transportation for their JTL Team(s) to visit CIU 20.

There are no costs to schools for the program. Students will need to bring their own lunch to the sessions.

Session Dates:

  • September 24, 2024
  • October 29, 2024
  • December 10, 2024
    • Snow Date : December 12, 2024
  • January 28, 2025
    • SnowDate: February 4, 2025
  • April 1, 2025
  • May 13, 2025
For for more information, please write or email:
Susan Kandianis, Ed.D.
Supervisor of Educational Technology
Colonial Intermediate Unit 20
(610)515-6561 | [email protected]