[allstaff] COVID Mitigation Updates Virtual Sessions
- What
- [allstaff] COVID Mitigation Updates Virtual Sessions
- When
- 5/19/2021, 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Good Afternoon Staff,
As we approach the last few weeks of the school year, we want to thank everyone for their efforts in following the procedures for IU Building / Classroom/IU Vehicle Access During Statewide Mitigation. We want to remind everyone to continue to follow the mitigation strategies we have implemented including but not limited to wearing a mask at all times, as the mask must be well-fitting and cover your nose and mouth at all times; washing your hands often; staying home if you have symptoms that are associated with COVID and maintaining a distance of 6 or more feet where feasible.
Over the past several weeks, there have been various changes to CDC and DOH recommendations that impact our standard operating procedures. In an effort to provide clarity to the changes, the CI 20 Human Resources Department, will be scheduling two u...